Monday, August 9, 2010

Fun times.

A few shots for you of some lovely ladies trying on some groovy head bands.  If you like them and are noticing just how much fun they seem to be having, please come to my party this Friday.  It's in Morgan, Utah and if you're interested please feel free to email me for details.
Come, it's going to be so darn fun.

There were so many awesome holidays today I couldn't pick just one to celebrate so I hope you celebrated all of these...
Nagasaki Day
Perseid Meteor Showers
UN International Day of the World's Indigenous People
Veep Day
Victory Day (Rhode Island)
Moment of Silence (Japan)
National Day (Singapore)
National Women's Day (South Africa)

I think Veep Day is my favorite.  what does that even mean?


mia veronica August 9, 2010 at 10:28 PM  

Umm - what about the holiday of Mia Chard's birthday! Don't forget that:)

Wendy August 10, 2010 at 10:18 AM  

I figured that was just such a well known day that everyone would have already celebrated. Sorry, my bad.


About This Blog

I love creating things that are funky, fun and unique. I started making accessories as a creative outlet and because I wanted something cute and fun that wouldn't hurt my head. So...voila! Everything I make is handmade, unique ideas and ever so fun. I hope you enjoy browsing my site, feel free to buy something.

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